Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Niat Berwakaf Tunai Melalui Skim Potongan Gaji di Malaysia
Factors Influencing the Intention of Cash Waqf Contribution Through Salary Deduction Schemes in Malaysia
Wakaf Tunai, Keagamaan, Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)Abstract
Wakaf ialah sistem pengagihan manfaat harta sama ada harta kekal atau harta boleh diubah. Pelaksanaan wakaf telah terbukti dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial masyarakat Muslim, terutamanya di Malaysia. Namun, amalan wakaf tunai melalui potongan gaji masih kurang dilaksanakan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi amalan wakaf tunai melalui skim potongan gaji. Kajian ini merangkumi tinjauan komprehensif terhadap kajian-kajian terdahulu. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis secara tematik dan diuraikan secara deskriptif. Teori yang digunakan termasuk Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) dan Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), serta konsep niat menurut perspektif Islam. Hasil kajian menunjukkan empat konstruk utama yang mempengaruhi niat wakaf tunai melalui potongan gaji, iaitu pengetahuan, kepercayaan, norma subjektif, dan keagamaan. Kefahaman terhadap konstruk ini penting untuk meningkatkan sumbangan masyarakat Malaysia terhadap wakaf tunai. Oleh itu, usaha bersungguh-sungguh perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran dan sokongan terhadap sistem potongan gaji untuk wakaf tunai.
Waqf is a system of distributing benefits from wealth, whether permanent or changeable. The practice of waqf has been proven to enhance the social welfare of Muslim communities, particularly in Malaysia. However, the practice of cash waqf through salary deductions is still underutilized. This study aims to identify the factors influencing the practice of cash waqf through salary deduction schemes. The research includes a comprehensive review of previous studies. Data collected is thematically analyzed and described descriptively. The theories employed include the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), along with the concept of intention from an Islamic perspective. The study results indicate four main constructs influencing the intention for cash waqf through salary deductions: knowledge, belief, subjective norms, and religiosity. Understanding these constructs is crucial to increase Malaysian society's contribution to cash waqf. Therefore, sincere efforts are needed to raise awareness and support for salary deduction systems for cash waqf.
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