Journal of Management and Muamalah <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="1903" height="686" /></a></p> <p>The Journal of Management and Muamalah (JMM) is a refereed journal published by Faculty of Management &amp; Muamalah, Selangor Islamic University. This journal is committed to the advancement of scholarly research, knowledge and innovations in all areas related to management and muamalah. Articles are published in both English and Malay.</p> <p>This journal applies double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.</p> <p><strong>Aim &amp; Scopes</strong></p> <p>Contribution of articles is sought from all functional areas of social science such as economics, marketing, management, finance, accounting, human resource development and muamalah, Islamic commercial transactions, conventional and Islamic business and management, halal management and risk management.</p> <p><strong>Publication Frequency </strong></p> <p>e-Journal Management and Muamalah is published biannually (<strong>June</strong> and <strong>November</strong>).</p> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="199" height="81" /></a><a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="323" height="119" /></a><a href=";user=53S3O3wAAAAJ"><img src="" alt="" width="199" height="81" /></a><img src="" alt="" width="199" height="81" /></p> Penerbit UIS en-US Journal of Management and Muamalah 2180-1681 Tahap Kesedaran Digital dan Hubungan dengan Prestasi Pelajar Perakaunan di Malaysia <p>Kesedaran digital dalam kalangan pelajar perakaunan di Malaysia amat penting kerana keperluan pekerjaan semasa amat memerlukan kompetensi digital. Namun kajian berkaitan kesedaran digital tidak banyak dilakukan. Objektif utama kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengkaji tahap kesedaran digital dalam kalangan pelajar perakaunan di Malaysia dan hubungannya dengan prestasi pelajar. Elemen kesedaran digital yang dikaji ialah kesedaran etika, kesedaran budaya, kesedaran kepimpinan, kesedaran polisi dan kesedaran risiko. Edaran borang soalselidik dilakukan di seluruh Malaysia dan kadar respon sebanyak 202 borang telah diperolehi meliputi pelajar Sarjana Muda Perakaunan di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi di Malaysia. Pengujian hipotesis bagi kajian ini dibuat menggunakan analisis korelasi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tahap kesedaran bagi kesemua elemen adalah tinggi dalam kalangan pelajar. Hasil analisis korelasi pula menunjukkan kesedaran etika, kepimpinan dan risiko berhubungan secara positif dan signifikan dengan prestasi pelajar manakala kesedaran budaya dan polisi berhubungan secara positif tetapi tidak signifikan. Ini menunjukkan kesedaran kompetensi digital meningkatkan prestasi pelajar dalam elemen etika, kepimpinan dan risiko.</p> <p><em>Digital awareness among accounting students in Malaysia is very important because current job requirements require digital competence. However, research related to digital awareness has not been done much. The main objective of this study was to examine the level of digital awareness among accounting students in Malaysia and its relationship with student performance. The elements of digital awareness studied are ethical awareness, cultural awareness, leadership awareness, policy awareness and risk awareness. The distribution of questionnaire forms was carried out throughout Malaysia and a response rate of 202 forms was obtained covering Bachelor of Accounting students at Institutions of Higher Education in Malaysia. Hypothesis testing for this study was done using correlation analysis. The results of the correlation analysis show that ethical awareness, leadership, and risk are positively and significantly related to student performance while cultural awareness and policy are positively related however, it is not significant. Therefore, it shows that, there is a relationship between digital competency awareness with accounting students’ performance through the elements of ethical, leadership and risk awareness.</em></p> Noor Raudhiah Abu Bakar Noraini Shamsuddin Nur Fikhriah Takril Nor Suhaily Bakar Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Muamalah 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 14 1 1 20 10.53840/jmm.v14i1.176 Financial Distress Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Accuracy of the Prediction Model Used <p>The recent COVID-19 pandemic had inflicted adverse impacts on the lives of throughout the world people, including Indonesia. From the perspective of the business sector, many companies were not spared, especially in terms of their financial performance. Many companies became bankrupt and had to go out of business although there were still some companies which managed to survive with all the limitations. This study was conducted to examine whether there were differences between financial distress conditions before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in primary consumer goods sector companies in Indonesia and to determine which measurement model is more accurate for calculating financial distress. The samples used in this study involved 42 primary consumer goods sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test. The result of this study shows that there is no significant difference between financial distress conditions before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that the COVID-19 pandemic will not make companies in the primary consumer goods sector falter because people will still look for primary goods such as food and clothing for their daily needs. People's purchasing power for primary needs remains high despite the pandemic. Springate and Zmijewski are the financial distress measurement models that are considered the most accurate with an accuracy rate of 88.69%. This study is expected to be an input for investors whether investing in consumer goods companies will be profitable or not under various conditions. Future research is expected to be able to test other financial distress measurement models for companies similar to this study or other types of companies.</p> Tri Widiastuty Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Muamalah 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 14 1 21 35 10.53840/jmm.v14i1.157 The Impact of Green Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance: Case of Indonesian Manufacturing Industry During Pandemic <p>The financial performance is an important signal to investors about the sustainability of the company in its industry. Optimizing the company's resources is the key to being competitive, especially in times of crisis, including pandemics. The company’s intangible assets such as intellectual capital and unique resources can increase the company's competitive advantage. Then, the implementation of green business concepts encourages companies to focus on creating green programs supported by human resources intellectual thinking namely Green Intellectual Capital. The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is a relationship between green intellectual capital proxied by Value Added Capital Employed (VACA), Value Added Human Capital (VAHU), Structural Capital Value Added (STVA), and the firm's financial performance as proxied using Return on Asset (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE). The sample used was 15 manufacturing companies listed in the Indonesia Exchange in 2020-2021. The data were analyzed descriptively and the panel data regression was used to test the hypotheses as well as the robustness test for the research model. The finding indicated that there is an influence between VACA and VAHU on ROA and ROE. The company could improve its performance in both normal and abnormal periods by managing its intellectual assets, especially Value Added Capital Employed and Value Added Human Capital.</p> Nunik Nurmalasari Nuzi Laturrohman Estu Widarwati E. Wityasminingsih Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Muamalah 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 14 1 36 51 10.53840/jmm.v14i1.165 Pengaplikasian Ar-Rahnu dalam Sistem Pembiayaan Islam: Ke Arah Muamalat Kontemporari di Malaysia <p>Kontrak <em>ar-rahnu</em> merupakan satu skim Pajak Gadai Islam yang berlandaskan prinsip-prinsip Syariah. Secara umumnya, perkataan <em>ar-rahnu</em> berasal daripada bahasa Arab iaitu <em>rahn</em> yang membawa maksud gadai. Kontrak <em>ar-rahnu</em> amat mementingkan amalan pajak gadai yang bebas daripada elemen-elemen yang dilarang oleh syarak seperti terdapatnya unsur <em>riba</em> dan <em>gharar</em>. Pada zaman ini, perkembangan yang pesat dalam bidang <em>ar-rahnu</em> telah mendorong lebih banyak institusi perbankan, koperasi awam dan syarikat-syarikat kewangan dalam menawarkan perkhidmatan ini. Kehadiran skim pajak gadai Islam ini telah menarik perhatian dan mendorong penyertaan masyarakat terutama golongan berpendapatan rendah. Dalam kajian ini, penyelidik akan memperjelaskan secara terperinci mengenai pengaplikasian <em>ar-rahnu</em> dalam sistem pembiayaan Islam di Malaysia dengan memberi fokus kepada konsep <em>ar-rahnu</em> menurut perspektif Islam, hukum-hukum yang wujud dalam pelaksanaan <em>ar-rahnu</em> atau gadaian serta aplikasi <em>ar-rahnu</em> pada masa kini di Malaysia. Bagi mencapai objektif tersebut, penyelidik telah menggunakan pendekatan secara kualitatif iaitu menggunakan kaedah analisis dokumen seperti Al-Quran, hadis, jurnal, artikel, tesis, buku, kertas kerja dan rujukan dokumen yang berkaitan. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa, dengan wujudnya Skim Pajak Gadai Islam <em>Ar-Rahnu</em> di Malaysia, ia telah membuktikan bahawa negara ini mengambil cakna akan keperluan dan kemaslahatan rakyat melalui sistem gadaian ini. Hal ini secara tidak langsung dapat memberi pilihan kepada masyarakat Islam amnya dan anggota-anggota koperasi, khususnya dalam mengatasi masalah kewangan. Dengan ini, mereka yang memerlukan pinjaman segera tidak lagi terbelenggu dengan sistem pajak gadai sedia ada konvensional yang lebih bersifat menekan dan menindas.</p> <p><em>The ar-rahnu contract is an Islamic mortgage scheme based on Shariah principles. Generally, the word ar-rahnu comes from the Arabic language ‘rahn’ which means pawn. The ar-rahnu contract places great importance on the practice of pawning, which is free from elements prohibited by Syarak, such as the presence of riba and gharar elements. In this era, the rapid development in the field of ar-rahnu has encouraged more banking institutions, public cooperatives, and financial companies to offer this service. This Islamic pawnshop scheme has attracted attention and encouraged the participation of the community, especially the low-income group. In this study, the researcher will explain in detail the application of ar-rahnu in the Islamic financing system in Malaysia by focusing on the concept of ar-rahnu according to the Islamic perspective, the laws that exist in the implementation of ar-rahnu, as well as the application of ar-rahnu in the present in Malaysia. To achieve the objective, the researcher has used a qualitative approach using the document analysis method, such as the holy Quran, hadith, journals, articles, theses, books, proceeding, and related document references. This study shows that the Ar-Rahnu (Islamic Mortgage Tax Scheme) in Malaysia has proven that this country takes care of the needs and benefits of the people through this mortgage system. This can indirectly give choice to the Muslim community, and cooperative members, especially in overcoming financial problems. With this, those who need an urgent loan are no longer shackled by the existing conventional pawnbroking system, which is more oppressive and oppressive.</em></p> Noha Sama Mohamad Aniq Aiman Alias Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Muamalah 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 14 1 52 66 10.53840/jmm.v14i1.183 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Niat Berwakaf Tunai Melalui Skim Potongan Gaji di Malaysia <p>Wakaf ialah sistem pengagihan manfaat harta sama ada harta kekal atau harta boleh diubah. Pelaksanaan wakaf telah terbukti dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial masyarakat Muslim, terutamanya di Malaysia. Namun, amalan wakaf tunai melalui potongan gaji masih kurang dilaksanakan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi amalan wakaf tunai melalui skim potongan gaji. Kajian ini merangkumi tinjauan komprehensif terhadap kajian-kajian terdahulu. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis secara tematik dan diuraikan secara deskriptif. Teori yang digunakan termasuk <em>Theory of Reasoned Action</em> <em>(TRA)</em> dan <em>Theory of Planned Behavior</em> <em>(TPB),</em> serta konsep niat menurut perspektif Islam. Hasil kajian menunjukkan empat konstruk utama yang mempengaruhi niat wakaf tunai melalui potongan gaji, iaitu pengetahuan, kepercayaan, norma subjektif, dan keagamaan. Kefahaman terhadap konstruk ini penting untuk meningkatkan sumbangan masyarakat Malaysia terhadap wakaf tunai. Oleh itu, usaha bersungguh-sungguh perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran dan sokongan terhadap sistem potongan gaji untuk wakaf tunai.</p> <p><em>Waqf is a system of distributing benefits from wealth, whether permanent or changeable. The practice of waqf has been proven to enhance the social welfare of Muslim communities, particularly in Malaysia. However, the practice of cash waqf through salary deductions is still underutilized. This study aims to identify the factors influencing the practice of cash waqf through salary deduction schemes. The research includes a comprehensive review of previous studies. Data collected is thematically analyzed and described descriptively. The theories employed include the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), along with the concept of intention from an Islamic perspective. The study results indicate four main constructs influencing the intention for cash waqf through salary deductions: knowledge, belief, subjective norms, and religiosity. Understanding these constructs is crucial to increase Malaysian society's contribution to cash waqf. Therefore, sincere efforts are needed to raise awareness and support for salary deduction systems for cash waqf.</em></p> Razali Jusoh Hamidah Mat Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Management and Muamalah 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 14 1 67 87 10.53840/jmm.v14i1.190